Offering affordability, convenience and style, electric scooters have become a popular way to get around for many Canadians. Here are some helpful hints for charging your electric scooter and caring for its battery.
November 3, 2015
Offering affordability, convenience and style, electric scooters have become a popular way to get around for many Canadians. Here are some helpful hints for charging your electric scooter and caring for its battery.
Every electric scooter is different, but all have some way of notifying you if the battery is running low. This is typically in the form of a red light or a flashing red light. When this occurs, it's imperative that you find an electrical outlet to charge the scooter immediately.
Electric scooters have a port for plugging the charger directly into the battery.
Make sure the charger's voltage is appropriate for the scooter.
Charging an electric scooter is relatively simple. By taking care of your scooter's battery every day and following recommended charging procedures, you'll be able to benefit from its maximum lifespan.
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