Handmade cards and notes hang on the wall near the entrance at Kaza Maza. Some are recent, while others have faded with age, but each is expressing gratitude and well wishes. Since its opening in August of 2009, the restaurant has been a hit. This was something of a pleasant surprise for owner Fadi Sakr, who opened Kaza Maza without any restaurant experience. “I wasn’t sure that this idea might work, but I just wanted to try it,” he says. “It was completely new to me. I was never in the business before. For me it was just to believe in my project and what I’m doing and to try to do the best I can.”
The idea came from a small resto-bar in Beirut that Fadi used to frequent before moving to Montreal from Lebanon. “I really used to like this place, and the vibe, and the people,” he says. “So I wanted to open pretty much the same thing as that, to do the same here.”
Shorbat Adas
Soupe de lentilles rouges aromatisé e au cumin, garnie de crouton de pita croustillants
Cumin scented red lentil soup topped with crispy pita croutons
Hummus Kawarma
Pois chiches en purée accompagnés d'agneau haché et de noix de pin
chickpea puree topped with minced lamb and pine nuts
Baba Ghannouj Royal
Aubergines en purée accompagnées d' agneau haché mijoté à la sauce tomate et garni de noix de pin
Grilled eggplant puree topped with minced lamb, simmered in a tomato sauce and garnished with pine nuts
Arrayes Kefta
Tartine de viande hachée persallée dorée au four
Grilled pita stuffed with spiced minced lamb
Tranches de filet mignon séché en croûte d'épices servies avec labné.
Thin slices of cured filet mignon coated with fried spices served with labneh
Kibbé Nayyé
Tartare de boeuf, boulgour et épices (selon disponibilité )
Beef tartare with bulgur and spices (subject to availability)
Fromage blanc doux semi ferme saisi a l'huile d'olive
Semi firm mild white cheese seared in olive oil
Beignets de boulgour farcis aux épinards ou au boeuf
Bulgur based croquettes stuffed with your choice of spinach or beef
Cigares farcis au fromage ou au boeuf
Fried cigar rolls stuffed with your choice of cheese or beef
Salade tradionnelle du Moyen-Orient à la vinaigrette de grenadine
Traditional Middle-Eastern salad dressed with pomegranate vinaigrette
Fromage blanc, tomates, concombre, menthe, olive, et thym
White cheese salad with tomatoes, cucumber, mint, olive and thyme
Salade de persil, boulgour et tomate arrosée d'hile d'olive légérement épicée et de citron
Parsley, bulgur and tomato salad sprinkled with spiced olive oil and lemon
Pois chiche en purée, tahini, ail et citron
Chickpea puree with tahini, garlic and lemon
Baba Ghannouj
Aubergines en purée, tahini ail et citron
Grilled eggplant puree with tahini, garlic and lemon
Mutabbal Betteraves
Betteraves rôties en purée, tahini ail et citron
Roasted beef puree with tahini, garlic and lemon
Noix de Grenoble concassées, charpelure, mélasse de grenadine et épices
Ground walnuts, bread crumbs, pomegranate molasses and spices
Aubergines, poivrons et oignons mijotés à la sauce tomate et à l'ail
Simmered eggplants, peppers and onions in tomato sauce
Fromage traditionnel à la pâte fraîche
Traditional thick yogurt spread
Feuilles de vigne
Feuilles de vigne farcies au riz et auxlégumes
Wine leaves stuffed with rice and vegetables
Brochette d'agneau haché aux pistaches, noix de Grenoble, oignons et épices, servi avec du riz.
Brochette of minced lamb with pistachios, walnuts, onions ad spices served with rice.
Grillé et garni d'une salade de persil et d' oignons
Grilled and served with an onion and parsley salad
Kabab Bil Karaz
Mijoté dans une sauce de cerises griottes et garni de noix de pin
Simmered in a sweet cheery sauce and garnished with pine nuts
À la Sauce Pommegrenade et Tahini
Simmered in a pommegrante tahini sauce
Grillé et mijoté avec de aubergines, poivrons et tomates
Grilled and simmered with eggplants, peppers and tomatoes
Braisé à la Sauce Yaourt et Tahini
Garni d'une salade de persil et d'oignons
Braised lamb shank topped with a yogurt tahini sauce and an onion and crispy and parsley salad
Avec Friki
Accompagné de blé fumé et d'une sauce au yogurt à la menthe et aux concombres.
Braised lamb shank with smoked whole wheat served with a mint and cucumber yogurt sauce
Suprême de Poulet à l'Ail
Poitrine de poulet mariné dans une sauce à l'ail épicée, servi sur un lit de patates
Grilled chicken breast marinated in a spiced garlic sauce, served over a bed of potatoes
Saucisses grillées accompagnées de pommes de terre, oignons et noix de pin
Grilled sausages with potatoes, onions and pine nuts
Kibbé Labniyé
Beignets de boulgour farcis de boeuf mijoté dans une sauce crémeuse aux oeufs et au yaourt, garni d'estragon
Bulgur based croquettes stuffed with beef and stewed in a creamy egg and yogurt sauce, garnished with tarragon
Fattet Makdous
Tian d'aubergines revenues à l'huile d'olive, agneau haché , pita croustillant, sauce tomate à l'ail, yaourt et tahini, garni de noix de pin et amandes
Layers of fried eggplant, minced lamb, crispy pita bread, yogurt tahini sauce, tomato sauce, pine nut and almonds
Fattet Mawzat
Plat étagé de jarret d'agneau, riz, pita frit, noix, sauce tahini et yaourt
Layers of lamb shank, rice, fried pita bread, nuts, tahini sauce and yogurt
Samké Harra
Filet de saumon en croûte de noix, ail, épices, coriandre, pâte poivron et citron
Salmon filet crusted with walnuts, garlic, spices, coriander, pepper paste and lemon
Crevettes au Vin Blanc*
Crevettes grillées, mijotées a la sauce tomate parfumée au vin blanc, au safran et à l'ail
Grilled shrimps simmered in a white and tomato sauce, with saffron and garlic
Crevettes à l'Ail*
Crevettes grillées, marinées dans une sauce à l'ail et aux épices
Grilled shrimps, marinated in a spiced garlic sauce
Accompagnée d'une salade de lentilles.
Grilled octopus leg served with lentils salad
*servi avec du riz/served with rice
Pommes de Terre Maison
Patates garnies d'une sauce à l'ail, pâte de poivrons, épices et citron
Potatoes with a garlic, pepper paste, spices and lemon sauce
Pain Baladi/Naan
au beurre clarifié et sumac
Rice with clarified butter and sumac
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Being of Syrian origin, it really vexes us that most people associate our region’s cuisine with shish taouk and shawarma only. With this list, we're taking it upon ourselves to promote our colorful, healthy and delicious cuisine. Do us a favor and visit one of these places for an experience you won’t soon forget. We guarantee they’ll make you feel like family!
View this Smart ListFor those who hate committing to one large dish from the menu, tapas are a life saver – not to mention incredibly delicious and a great way to share with friends! Stand at the bar and do it Spanish-style, or indulge with your date at a table. This tasty selection tapas and finger food restaurants will get your night started off right.
View this Smart ListImpress your date with some of the best executed plates in the city, without the stuffiness of fine dining. The vibe at all of these restaurants is romantic yet casual, and the hospitality is always friendly and spot on. Also, you can get excellent wine by the glass so you don’t need to commit to a bottle if you need to cut your date short.
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