PreK registrationsParents, remember to register your 4 year old children for the next school year at your local school. You need the Birth Certificate from Quebec or the Statement of Live Birth - with the parents' name from Ontario. Our Mission, Vision and Organizational ValuesThe CSB is our place of work and our students' success is largely dependent on how well we operate as an organization. In order to be the best school board we can be, we need to understand and embrace our organizational mission, vision and values. Putting all three of these pieces together will guide our decisions and our actions and allow us to answer the following simple questions: What do we stand for? Where are we headed? What standards of behaviour do we value?By understanding how our mission, vision and organizational values are key to achieving success, employees share a common sense of purpose, a common aspiration for the future and are able to move ahead with confidence. Click here for a video where you can hear more these three pillars from the Director General and the Director of Human Resources. www.waswanipi.orgThe office of Readapatation and Special Education of Waswanipi school is pleased to present their website for information' exchange and professional development in order to improve behavior in our schools and communities.more...See more text