Champions and MotivatorsWhat is in motion?In motion is a provincial strategy to help all Manitobans make physical activity part of their daily lives for health and enjoyment. Our vision is to make adult Manitobans healthier by increasing physical activity in the province to 55% by the year 2015.Most of us already know the importance of active living. Physical activity increases energy, reduces stress and strengthens the heart and lungs. The result is a better quality of life for every age group. Yet less than half of all Manitobans of all ages do enough physical activity to improve their health. What's needed is the motivation to get ourselves and each other 'in motion'. The provincial government has joined with community partners in physical activity, health, healthy living, recreation, sport and education to raise activity levels and reduce barriers to physical activity.In motion has four key components.building partnerships developing strategies for target areasmeasuring successIn motion strategies will focus on five specific groupsmore...See more text