ACUPUNCTURE : Located At BROADWAY SKYTRAIN STATION ================================================= Relief of Muscle, Joint and Nerve Pain Restore Body/Organ Function Safe, Effective and Economical Balance the Body and Mind *Beauty acupuncture available to promotes a healthier complexion naturally. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arthritis, Backache, Neck/Shoulder pain, Sprains, Numbness, Sciatica, TMJ, Digestive Disorders, Abdominal Pain, Diabetes, Fatigue, Constipation, IBS, Headache, Stress, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, Hypertension, Palpitation, Chest Pain, Impotence, PMS, Tinnitus, Sinusitus, Bronchitus, Eczema etc..... Member of QATCMA/TCMABC:CTCMA-R.Ac Veteran and Extended medical plans can be claimed Seniors discountmore...See more text