Shopping this morning left the store, escalator stalled with carts. Security quickly responded, quietly instructed elderly gent & customers not to pull on carts. Resumed promptly, little down time.Read more
My main problem is the difficulty of speaking directly to a pharmacist. The phone system is not very good.
Also would like to shop for groceries ,but Olivier bread is not available so have to go to two stores .
Generally the store is great and spacious and economical.Read more
You need to check your grocery carts and repair the ones with wonky wheels. Last year, I tried five carts before finding one that did not make a loud embarrassing kerclunk, kerclunk sound as I pushed it through the store! I keep thinking, with all the money you make from hard working Canadians you just do not seem to care about this. Also, it is a real pain to when you have to retrieve the looney several times and then insert it into one that works as it should!!!
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