Imagine Laserworks - End Drug/Alcohol Addictions using Auricular Therapy with Laser, relieve symptoms of withdrawal, including decreasing the severity of cravings, body aches, headaches, nausea, sweating & muscle cramping. It is achieved by using Low Level Laser on energy points (acupuncture) on the ears, fingers, wrists and feet. We also help you detoxify & repair your body with nutritional supplements. Imagine Laserworks uses Laser Acupuncture for weight loss to speed up your metabolism, decrease your appetite, control your hunger cravings & Increase your endorphin levels. Imagine Laserworks can help you stop smoking - quit smoking in less than an hour with up to a 95% success rate. Thousands of people have quit smoking with Imagine Laserworks Laser Therapy worldwide. We can help you, your friends and loved ones enjoy a life without Nicotine or addictions. Mental Wellness, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, ADHD and more. more...See more text
Products and Services
Laser Treatment - Laser Therapy,
Stop Smoking,
Weight Lose - Appetite Suppressant,
Drug Addiction Treatment,
Alcohol Addiction Treatment,
Insomnia Treatment,
Stress - Anxiety Treatment,
Relaxation & Stress Reduction,
Detoxify & Repair Your Body,
Low Level Laser Therapy,
Quit Smoking- Stop Smoking Treatment,
Speed Metabolism,
Alcohol Abuse,
Weight Control - Appetite Control- Eating Disorder,