Kito's story begins near Tokyo, Japan in 1932 when Miyoshi Kito, an independent thinking, die hard engineer, opened his own manufacturing factory. From those early years until today, Kito Corporation has been continuously involved in the development, production and sales of world-leading hoists, cranes and accessories.TrustedFor TheirSafetyKito's single most important objective is to safeguard the hardworking people who use our products. That's why our steel shells are stronger, our chains are sturdier, and each and every Kito component can better withstand punishing, real-world conditions.TrustedFor TheirPerformanceWe design our Kito hoists to thrive in some of the world's most abusive environments. In Canad,a our gear is used everywhere from the depths of potash mines to the do-or-die conditions atop a wind turbine 300 feet in the air. Wherever we go in the True North, Kito is relied on to get the job done.more...See more text