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Meet the owner

“The music world is changing. A lot of what used to be underground dance music is moving to the mainstream,” says Connor Jones, owner of DJs4Everything. “I’m a younger, more modern DJ. I play a pretty large variety from oldies to house, but I’m also connected to what’s happening in modern music.”

Guests at weddings, parties and corporate events love Connor’s familiarity with a broad range of music and his knack for picking the perfect track, making each event he works at fun, memorable and engaging.

“At the end of the day, it’s a service, but it’s also an experience you provide to the customer,” Connor explains. “You want to make sure that everyone has a good time. That’s part of the experience.” Connor is committed to making sure every event DJs4Everything works will be an event to remember by playing requests at the ideal moment, setting the perfect mood and providing a backdrop for some of the most important nights in his clients’ lives.

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