Five Star Taylors

Products and Services

  • Custom Make Pants, Suits And Dresses,
  • Alterations To All Types Of Clothing (Jackets, Pants, Shirts, Hats, Etc),
  • Dry Cleaning Available,
  • Sewing On Patches For Uniforms,
  • Mending Tears, Rips, Holes On Anything,


  • Wedding And Graduation Apparel (Suit And Dresses),

Languages Spoken

  • English,
12778 167 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T6V 1J6
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Ratings & Reviews - Five Star Taylors

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    Excellent workmanship .the owner really cares about her finished work.price is low for the work done.they also do dry cleaning,im impressed that they would wait for me after closing hour if I'm late to pick up .

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP


    FIND ANOTHER TAILOR!!!! I went to Five Star Tailors to get a couple curtains hemmed. They told us the price for all 4 curtains were 20$ as we were only asking to get it shortened. And a lady proceeded to call us a week later to say it was 48 in total so we were confused as to how they got that price. Finally, when we picked it up they charged us 71$ and at this point we were just flabbergasted. They changed the price on us several times.. It was waaaaaay too over priced for getting a couple curtains shortened. After waiting a week or so, we finally put the curtains up and they hemmed it too short. We had asked for them to hem it 83 inches and they hemmed it to 79 inches. With that said, we had to throw the curtains and asked them to replace it. When we asked about the price the guy said "we got a discount" ....... Mmm no pal.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

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    Editor’s Pick
    Find the perfect fit at Edmonton’s top tailors

    Find the perfect fit at Edmonton’s top tailors

    The tailors here know how to handle pretty much anything. Formal wear needs to be altered? Pants too long? Rips in a leather jacket? They’re comfortable with all of that. They can also handle the little details, such as sewing on patches or badges for uniforms, jerseys and leather goods. They’ll dry clean anything that needs cleaning, as well - shirts, dresses and comforters are returned to you in pristine condition.

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