Carol Xu is a licensed acupuncturist in Alberta. She took special training on Chinese scalp acupuncture from Dr. Mingqing Zhu and Dr. Jason Hao. She mainly uses Zhu's scalp acupuncture in her daily clinical practice and has seen remarkable results among her patients.
Her needling technique is gentle yet efficient. Patients feel almost no pain during the treatment. She brings very calming and encouraging energy to her patients to assist the healing process. She also integrates moxibustion, cupping, and Chinese herbs into her regular treatment to enhance the results.By appointment only on Saturdays. Specializes in treating chronic and acute pain, anxiety and depression, thyroid disorder, hearing problem, stroke, spinal cord injury, brain concussion, Bell's palsy, seizures, Parkinson's disease and other centre nervous system issues using Zhu's scalp acupuncture.
Zhu's scalp acupuncture is a very gentle and efficient needling technique. It's convenient to perform, patients can be treated in any posture. It has a unique holistic approach to encourage patient's self-healing and participation during the recovery.more...See more text