Maximum Health Wellness Centre in Calgary is dedicated to providing you with acupuncture, traditional fertility treatment and traditional Chinese medical treatment. We also offer, pre-natal, relaxation, therapeutic and Thai oil massage. To book an appointment, call us today.
There’s a shift happening in healthcare these days: people are taking on more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. Maximum Health Wellness Centre aligns their services with these changing trends. It’s a place where accomplished practitioners come together to provide a complete and balanced approach to treatments. “We wanted to create a place where people can come and feel heard and be taken care of,” says owner Tracy Schneider-Steeves. “We make sure we meet their needs here.”
Maximum Health Wellness Centre offers massage therapy, cupping treatment, myofacial release and facials, reflexology, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatments, and energy works such as Reiki, Quantum Touch and Bodytalk. The centre prides itself on their experienced practitioners. “All our therapists have extra training and continue to grow in their careers,” says Tracy. “I can say we have the best therapists in the city!”